Phone: 850-244-8933
Fax: 850-244-2902
Toll-Free: 1-800-326-7771
151 Mary Esther Blvd,
Suite 407
Mary Esther, FL 32569
The “PERFECT” investment. Have you ever wondered what the “perfect” investment would be? From time to time we’re asked “what’s the perfect investment?” The trouble is that there isn’t ONE perfect investment. EVERY investment has imperfections. Anyone who tells you otherwise isn’t telling the truth.
If it did exist, what would the perfect investment look like?
Safe - The perfect investment would never go down in value, right?
Unlimited growth - The perfect investment would grow like crazy, right?
Liquid - The perfect investment would always be liquid and available to us, right?
Unfortunately, no such investment exists. If we want safety, we have to give up some growth. If we want liquidity, we may need to give up either safety or growth potential.
At Financial & Insurance Services, we work with investments of all types, some of them provide growth potential, some provide safety, and some provide liquidity. The key to financial planning is to combine investments in such a way that they create the right features at the right times to help meet YOUR individual goals, whether those goals are wealth accumulation, retirement income planning or estate planning for your heirs. There’s no such thing as a “perfect” investment or financial plan. We strive to create a mix of solutions for your individual goals by carefully considering a number of investment options and combinations that are suitable and appropriate for your particular circumstances and risk profile. Products we work with include:
- Mutual Funds
- Exchange Traded Funds
- Non-correlated Alternate Investments
- Stocks
- Bonds
- Immediate Annuities
- Fixed Annuities
- Indexed Annuities
- Money Markets
- Certificates of Deposit
- Real Estate Investment Trusts
- Unit Investment Trusts
- Cash Value Life Insurance
If you would like to discuss your existing investments, please refer to the “Contact Us” section of our website. We welcome the opportunity to sit down with you to discuss your investments needs